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Frankston Peninsula Multiple Birth Association

Webinar - Classroom Placement of Multiples

Mon, 21 Mar 2022
20:00 - 21:00



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Monica Rankin is Chairperson of the International Council of Multiple Birth Associations, a retired teacher and parent of multiples.


In this webinar, Monica will be speaking on the topic of classroom placement - "Together or Apart", which can be a controversial subject. Monica will be discussing the findings of the recent ICOMBO research on and also cover important issues that should be considered by both parents and educators when deciding to keep multiples together or to place them in separate classrooms at school.


This year's theme “Educating the Educators' ' will take educators, health professionals and members of the community on a journey to learn and discover multiple birth families' lived experiences and identify success and challenges. The goal for MBAW 2022 is to drive awareness of issues that impact multiple birth families to ensure better support and recognition for medical, education and social outcomes.


PO Box 586 Frankston VIC 3199, Frankston, Victoria, 3199, Australia

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